Douglas Havlin | 2022 Board Candidate

How long have you lived in the district (South Park Parks and Recreation District)?
I have had a home in Fairplay for 3 years and have lived here full time for the past year.
What is your occupation?
I’m a programmer and work for A2Z Sync, a small software company that is based in Denver.
How often do you use the South Park Rec Center?
I love to swim and enjoy swimming in the pool while looking at the snow. I haven’t been as much the past couple of years due to the pandemic, but plan on putting a lot more laps on as the pool updates get completed!
What is your vision for the South Park Parks and Recreation District and the South Park Recreation Center?
I see the rec center as a gathering place that’s very important to the community. I want to grow the membership and continue to promote the rec center as one of the important aspects of being a healthy and vibrant community.
Why do you want to be a Board Member and what do you feel you can bring to the district?
I’d like to bring my enthusiasm and positive energy to the board and help plan fun and exciting events that benefit the district and shine a light on what an amazing place the county is to live and exercise in.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I have experience on boards for running clubs and have a lot of drive to help the board in any way that I can. I’m excited to be a part of the community, even if it’s been for a short time. I think I bring a unique perspective to the board, and I will make a positive