Mark Milligan | 2022 Board Candidate

How long have you lived in the district (South Park Parks and Recreation District)?
Full time since 2018-property owner since 1994.
What is your occupation?
How often do you use the South Park Rec Center?
In the past two years I’ve used the circuit machines and free weights frequently and was also a part-time employee at the front desk the summer of 2021.
What is your vision for the South Park Parks and Recreation District and the South Park Recreation Center?
We have something unique and special here. I’d like to help preserve the integrity of our area and continue to build “Community” for all ages, but especially the youth. If you haven’t you should visit the Rec when babies and toddlers are taking swim lessons. The memories being created by our kids will be with them their entire lives. I really believe we can thoughtfully work together to build on what we have and move forward with facility expansion and programs.
Why do you want to be a Board Member and what do you feel you can bring to the district?
While preserving our uniquely Colorado community, I’d love to be more involved in dialogue to build consensus on how future changes might best serve the area. SPPRD enriches lives. Builds Community. Encourages healthier living. I’d like to think I will bring to the district an attitude of service and collaboration-all while working as a consensus builder among board members, SPRD staff, and the community.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I think if anyone refers to themselves as the “best candidate,” they aren’t being completely realistic, so I’m not sure that’s a fair question. I do think my 40+ years of experience in the business world and maybe more importantly my time raising 3 kids in Colorado gives me a perspective of wanting to serve our community. I have absolutely developed an ernest desire to work with the other board members and community first by listening and then by bringing my lifetime experience of sometimes learning things the hard way to the table. My goal is to leave this place better than I found it. After being in the area 28 years now, first part time, and now permanently, I want to leave a legacy of helping build something even more remarkable than we already have.