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Sky Seals

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Seeing Things Differently…

Sky Seals is designed to be different. Sure, we strive to be the market leader in the Home Inspection and Drone Services industries, but that’s not enough. It’s not enough to have the most sales or film the most projects. Through starting and running other companies, celebrating the joys of success, and grappling with the sorrows of life, as the founders we knew we wanted Sky Seals to be something different.

Simplified, life is the collection of individual days. Therefore, if life is going to be extraordinary, each day must be extraordinary. But how can every day be extraordinary when life is so busy it seems to take all of one’s time just to get by? A great thinker once said, “If you want a better result, ask a better question.” So, our better question is, “What’s the best way to make every day extraordinary?” Our answer, “Make another person’s day extraordinary.”

We decided to do more, be more and give more, while inspiring others to do the same. We show our clients and partners new possibilities. We inspire new thoughts and greater enthusiasm. We encourage a new approach to life by giving our customers a different experience. Being different makes life better. Whether it’s working late to meet a client’s deadline, saying “Yes” when everyone else says “No”, or returning a stray dog to her family, it’s these little differences that put smiles on peoples’ faces. We’ve experienced that when people smile, they start seeing things differently.