Susan Hessler | 2022 Board Candidate

How long have you lived in the district (South Park Parks and Recreation District)?
I have been a member of the Rec center since it opened its doors in 2004.
What is your occupation?
I am self-employed. I also work at South Park City Museum and Breckenridge Heritage Alliance.
How often do you use the South Park Rec Center?
I go to the Rec Center 3-5 times a week.
What is your vision for the South Park Parks and Recreation District and the South Park Recreation Center?
- Continue to provide exceptional recreation and fitness opportunities via a well maintained and
staffed facility and outdoor programs. - Increase opportunities for children and teens.
- Develop funding sources to increase the size of the Rec Center to keep up with demands of a
growing community.
Why do you want to be a Board Member and what do you feel you can bring to the district?
There are many positive changes happening right now. What a great time to get involved and set and accomplish some goals, both large and small!
An effective board member gets along with others, has good relationships within the community, fundraising experience and a most importantly, a desire to make a difference.
I have served on a few local boards, worked and volunteered for non-profits and briefly ran a small foundation. In addition, I have grant writing experience and good fundraising ideas. I have wanted to join this board for a long time, and I am grateful for this opportunity to apply.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
I am very grateful for this facility. It has more than met my needs over the years, but as a frequent user, I have observed this isn’t the case for everyone. The Rec District needs both short term and long-term solutions to address its current growing pains.
As a long term local, I can bring valuable insights and perspective to the board. I really get this community. I can also appreciate the fresh ideas and energy of new members and staff.